Disability Insurance
Is your most valuable asset insured? When asked this question most people would think of their house being their most valuable asset and of course they would have home insurance! We are here to tell you that your biggest asset is you and your ability to earn an income.
One-in-three working Canadians will experience a period of disability lasting longer than 90 days during their working lives. In reality, 62% of Canadian workers have been exposed to someone having taken time off of work due to a disability, with 25% having had taken this time themselves.
Even a temporary disability could affect your ability to work and take home a paycheque. Without disability insurance to help cover expenses, many families would find themselves in financial trouble.
Maude Financial Inc. offers various solutions to help relieve some of the financial pain caused by a disability:
- Proguard Series: Exceptional income replacement protection for professionals and executives
Venture Series: Cost-effective disability insurance to help you get back to business - ExpenseComp: Overhead expense protection keeps a business running if illness or injury strikes
- Buy-Sell Plus: Specialty disability insurance funds the buy-out of a disabled business principal
- Personal Accident Disability Insurance and Cash Hospital
Do I need Disability Insurance?
Complete this questionnaire to help you think about how your ability to work, earn an income and your financial future could be effected by sudden illness or disability: